LU in greekarchitects

The project "Augmented Waterways" of Angeliki Koliomichou has been recently published in greekarchitects.

The Greek Architects e-Magazine edited by V. Mistriotis is running since March 2002 and aiming at covering an info void regarding architecture in Greece.

AALU public enquiry

The projects of AALU will be shown to the public on 10th of October in the AA lecture hall. A set of guests will critisize and give opinion of the worlk of the studies as the next year kicks in.

Charles Waldheim (Toronto University)

Douglas Spencer (Buckinghamshire Chilterns University)

Alfonso Vergara (Findacion Metropoli)

Neil Davidson (Dip14)

Andreas Rubi (TextBild editions)

Pedro Alonso (Arup Urban Design Team)

AALU end of year presntation

The projects of Landscape Urbanism come to an end. The students will show their final projects on the Introductory week of the AA on the Thursday 28th September. The images above show the Landscraper projected by Matt Wilson