The work of the students of AA landscape Urbansim will be showcased on a presntation which will be held on 25th September in the AA premises, Ground floor 16 Morwell street. The presentaiton will take place from 10:30AM onwards and will consist on a series of presentations given by the students followed by a short discussion form a panel of invited critics. This panel wil be formed by:

Ivan valdez Torrico (AALU grad, Zaha hadid architects)
Jose Arnaud (AALU graduate)
Ilaria di Carlo (AALU graduate, SOM)
Bridget Mckean (AALU graduate, Foster and Partners)
Teru Nalsist (AADip)
Jeff Turko (UEL+AADip tutor)


Based on a process of landscape indexing and mapping, Jorge’s project seeks to tackle the real estate sameness, always related to the development of the so called family-resorts that have proliferated along the Mexican Pacific Coast.
The project proposes a network of Landscapes, tropical trees and plantations preventing excessive erosion and polluted water infiltration. Diverse plants and species were assigned to respond to different watershed conditions, creating the infrastructure for agriculture, leisure and controlled tourism development.
The hexagonal prototypes seek to produce an assemblage between two elements of the project:
the water edges and the nature, as a speculation on how 2 natural processes may be able to generate new forms of mutual enhancement. Physical model helped control the territory and to measure the circulation between each of these prototypes.
Authors, Jorge Ayala, Minche Mena, Priscila Lozano Cusi